People were not meant to fly. Or were they? The topic is a difficult one, but what we can safely say is that flying has helped us conquer vast distances in a very short time. The prediction of Jules Verne, that people could travel the world in eighty days, was taken even further, now that people can do that in only two or three days. The technology that we used to conquer the air has also progressed further; we have computers that do everything for us, and to which we can turn for anything from life-saving surgery to entertainment. As far as entertainment is concerned, online betting seems to be a growing trend, especially with such great promo codes such as coral promo code 2020. One thing that technology has not been able to solve for us, however, is the amount of time we spend at airports. Compared to the flights we take to travel around the world, the amount of time we spend waiting is absurd. Thus, here are some ways that you can spend your time waiting for your next flight.
1) Plan ahead

It might seem silly, but most of the airport waiting that you do could be avoided if you coordinate your schedule with the flights you are going to take. By planning your trip, you can minimize the time you spend in between flights and have more time to do the things that you want to do.
2) Watch something
Most airports have great Wi-Fi that you can access and stream your favorite movie. This has become incredibly easy in the past couple of years, thanks to companies like Netflix that offer service on the go. Just in case, you should download something to your laptop, on the off chance that the service is down.
3) Shop for gifts
Even if you travel with your family, there will always be someone who you would like to get a gift for. If you have some time to spare, you can always go around and look for the perfect gift to get to the person back home. Of course, you do not have to buy anything, even just looking around is an interesting activity in itself.
4) Get a drink
This one is not for everyone, but if you do enjoy a glass of wine or a beer, you can visit the bar at the airport to pass the time. Most airports today have one, so there is no harm in having a drink, as long as you do it responsibly.
5) Sleep
Precisely due to the problem of being stuck at the airport too long, more and more airports have sleeping areas, where you can rent a bed or a pod to catch forty winks between your flights. Travelling can be exhausting for most people, and this is a sure way to restore your energy and start your holiday or business trip off right, without having to spend too much time at the hotel trying to recuperate from the trip.